
Soddy's Science Olympiad Teams did an incredible job at contest.  We came away with an incredible list of awards!  We are so proud of you for all of your hard work and extra time devoted to studying for these events. 

Stay tuned for a list of team members and how we placed!Laughing

This week is T-CAP.  We have worked all year and learned lots of great information.  Now is your chance to relax, get plenty of rest, and show the world how much you know! 

I found a great new website with lots of fun activities that will increase your science knowledge.

Go to and check it out!


Physical Science is the Content Map we will be studying during this 9 weeks. 

Force and Motion study guides went home today, March 30.  They are due on Tuesday morning after spring break.  The test will be given on Tuesday, April 13.  Smile

Force and Motion Content Map

What factors have the greatest effect on the motion of an object? 

How does speed affect distance traveled? 

How does force and friction affect motion? 

How does the position of an object relate to a fixed reference point?  

Vocab:  Friction, motion, force, speed, velocity, gravity

Pictures of the solar ovens are online at   

Students received study guides today, March 17, for Light Test on Monday, March 22.  Study guides are due Monday morning.

We will be making solar ovens in class Thursday and preparing hot dogs in them on Friday morning.  

 Light (as of 3/13)

What surfaces reflect, refract, or absorb light?

How do you determine whether a material is transparent, transluscent, or opaque?

How do I interpret and compare results from an investigation? 

vocabulary:  reflect, refract, absorb, transparent, transluscent, opaque, lens, prism

Please, save pizza boxes to use in an experiment.  Just send them to school with your child and we will store them until we are ready to use them.  

Electricity Study Guide

What are different forms of energy? ( heat, light, chemical)

How does electricity pass through a simple circuit? (battery, wire, switch, bulb)

Be able to recognize an open and closed circuit, know how a parallel circuit is different from a series circuit

What kinds of materials conduct and insulate heat?

How do electrically charged materials interact with each other?

review the electric charge, realize that static electricity does not flow in a current as a series and parallel circuit do, negatively and positive charges attract

How do magnets attract and repel?

Recognize the magnetic field of a bar magnet, that magnetism flows from north to south, opposite ends of a magnet attract, like ends repel, realize that magnets are made of metals – mainly iron


open circuits, closed circuits, energy, series circuit, parallel circuit, static electricity, conductors, electric current, generator, insulators magnets, poles, electromagnets, repel,


Review journals and Chapter 8 in text (pgs. 282 – 317)


Electricity and Magnetism: as of 1/31

What are different forms of energy?  (heat, light, chemical)

How does electricity pass through a simple circuit? (battery, wire, switch, bulb)

What kinds of materials conduct and insulate heat?

How do electrically charged material interact with each other?

How do magnets attract and repel one another?

How does a simple electromagnet effect objects?

Vocabulary:open circuits, closed circuits, energy, series circuit, parallel circuit, static electricity, conductors, electric current, generator, insulators, magnets, poles, electromagnets, repel, attract

Vocab quiz: Feb. 4

static electricity, electric charge, conductor, electric cell, electric circuit

Vocab quiz: Feb. 11

open circuits, closed circuits, energy, series circuit, parallel circuit, electric current, generator, insulator

We will not have a vocab quiz this week. 

Suggested study words:

magnets, poles, electromagnets, repel, attract

Electricity and Magnetism Test week of Feb. 29




Matter Study Guide                                                    study pgs. 250 – 275 in science text

                                                                                   Complete pgs. 274 & 275 for Monday                                                                                                                  Questions will be reviewed Monday                                                                        What are the causes and effects of a physical change in matter?                                                                                                                  What units of measurement are used to determine mass?                                                                                                                                                                     What are the appropriate tools for measuring a specific physical property of matter?( weight, mass, length,volume) Volume                                                            *volume of a solid = base * height * width

Density                                                           *know how to measure volume of an object using Mass                                                                displacement

Weight                                                         * know that for a physical change to  occur,

metric system                                                  energy must be used


states of matter - solid, liquid, gas


physical change

properties of matter

Matter test will be Tuesday, January 26

Science Textbook